Thursday, July 17, 2008

CIY-Move 2008

This year for CIY we went to Anderson, IN. It was a first for me and a first for some of the kids. I had never been to CIY before and neither had my wife. We had a great time not only having fun together but worshipping and studying God's word. We had a great group of kids that went including my son, Cooper, who had a blast with all the kids. This is a trip that I'll never forget. Not only because it was my first CIY experience, but I truly believe that I touched some of those kids and I know they touched me. ;) Here is just a glimpse at some of the things that went on during the week:

Studying God's word

Look at the top...

Brian, our monkey boy

Jordan hangin' w/the cooks

Devin thinkin' he's 2 again

McKenna takin' a break

Mckenna & Shaina w/Aaron Pelsue

Jordan being Jordan

Larkin watcha thinkin'?

Coop gettin' some love...

Nice lipstick girls!!!!

Bowling at Cooper's

What happens when you leave a mess!!!!

Coop sportin' the eye-black for dodgeball

Our devoted fans...

The "Average Joes"

Coop sportin' the viking hat

Brian was referred to as "Dad" all week by
Coop. So from now on he will always be
"Dad" instead of Brian.

Shaina with her dream boy!!

Coop scared to death...

Carerful, I'm a mythilogical creature...

Look at the GUNS!!!

Nice tats boys

What a cute family

The "Gang"

We had a hostage situation...

This is the hostage who asked
to remain anonymous....